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Dinner Menu Taboo

by | May 19, 2017 | ES |

Taboo is a words-only guessing game where the objective is for a player to have their partner(s) guess the word on the player’s card without using the word itself or additional words listed on the card.

RULES: Select how many rounds the game will last. Each round is 2 minutes long. Create two teams. Team 1 selects a “clue-giver” who picks up a card.

The clue-giver uses words to prompt their teammates to guess the menu item listed on the card. However, each card has “taboo” (forbidden) words listed, which may not be used to describe the menu item. For example, the clue-giver must get their team to guess “Grilled Cheese”, without the menu item words “grilled” or “cheese” and without offering any of the taboo words listed, such as “cheddar” or “Fries”, as clues. Additionally, you may not mention what part of the menu the item is from. The giver may only use speech to prompt his or her teammates; gestures, sounds (barking, mooing) or drawings are not allowed.

While the “clue giver” is prompting, teammates may make as many guesses as they want with no penalties for wrong guesses. Once the team correctly guesses the menu item exactly as written on the card, the “clue giver” moves onto the next card. When time runs out, Team 2 selects a clue-giver.

KEEPING SCORE: The playing team receives 1 point for every correct guess and 1 penalty point if a “taboo” word is spoken.