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by | Aug 4, 2017 | DOT, ES |

You will see some changes to the way the server schedule looks and operates next week.
One aesthetic change a reduction of characters used. For example:
6A / lunch   …now reads…   6
3:30 L(D)    …now reads…   3:30*
(This has allowed a larger font for ease of use.)
In addition, the 10 – 5 is gone.
In it’s place are two new shifts: 10* and 11 L
The leader of the service team for lunch. Working title is “shift captain.” They arrive before the other lunch servers, relieving the breakfast servers, delegating opening and closing sidework and signing servers out. ​This server should be primarily in the dining room (or patio, or otherwise busy and important section) on the lunch floormap. They connect with the PM* to ensure successful transition.
11 L 
The AM lounge server. Woah! They do not attend AM briefing, but help guard the floor while it’s underway. They are a fresh set of legs and will be mentally prepared to own the hightops until the lounge closers arrive, giving upbeat and attentive service during the midday hours, then carefully layering service and setting the lounge closers up for success before departing.
Both of these shifts will be given to senior servers or servers who demonstrate excellent service, work ethic, integrity and leadership qualities.
Just like an L(D), if some important element gets missed, we will hold the * responsible.

These become 9* and a 9 L on Saturday and Sunday.
The AM server who “does the money” will still depend on who wraps up their tables the latest.
Know that I will brief in advance those scheduled for these new shifts. For the rest of the staff, please help me emphasize crucial points in the attached document during upcoming briefings.
When making cuts, it will often make sense to go down to the 10* and the 11 L. Please continue to make the nuanced floormaps you always do! Splitting the room north/south, adapting to the needs of the day, keeping a third server on when patio is active, etc.
Please steer questions and about schedule formatting, AM roles and procedures, or other feedback my way.
Thank You,