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Everyone’s favorite ICOB K prep Cook, Dora Rivas, shares her favorite day off activity.  Making Pupusas!


for the dough

2  cups cold water

1 cup Maseca flour

salt to taste

for the filling:

1 can black beans

1 medium white onion

a handful of melty cheese

salt to taste


How to:

Make the dough

Combine water and flour (mixing the flour into the water) until a dough forms, let rest.  The dough should be sticky but easily rolled into a ball.

*** the dough can be made up to 2 days in advance.  Keep it covered in the refrigerator with plastic wrap.

Make the filling

In a medium saute pan, heat the oil on medium-high heat, add onions and saute until translucent.  Add the can of black beans and saute until liquid has cooked down.  Season with salt. Fold in cheese.


Oil your hands.

Take an egg sized ball of dough.  Flatten the ball in your palms until it resembles a small plate. Make a small dent in the middle and add 1 tablespoon of filling, and more cheese if you like.

Folding up from the sides, pinch the top and form a ball in your hands.

Lightly press back into a plate shape using your palms. Ideally, a bit less than 1/2 inch thick.

Place directly into an oiled, nonstick pan and cook approximately 3 minutes on each side, or until cooked through