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We have been selected to take part in a program called ProHabits that is reserved for inspired organizations with progressively minded work cultures.

We are the first restaurant group selected to take part in this program!


Learn something new each and every day!


Learn something new each & every day!
Why are we doing it?

We want to live our values authentically in a way that grows individuals and ultimately our organization. We know that daily habits are key to personal and organizational success. ProHabits will provide daily opportunities to train different habits that can increase focus, improve teams, and nurture stronger working environments.

What to expect?

On the morning of April 5th, you will receive an invitation in your inbox.

Next, you will be able to select and commit to the type of habits you want to work on (see the options below).

In the morning, at a time of your choosing under your profile, you will be asked to commit to the activity of the day.

At the end of the day, you will be asked whether you completed it or not.

You will be able to track how you and your team members are progressing so that we can all celebrate and recognize our growth.

ProTrack Options and Descriptions:

ProEmpowerment:  ProEmpowerment will teach you habits of unlocking the wisdom and accountability of your team by encouraging autonomy and inviting everyone into joint problem-solving.


ProFocus:  ProFocus will train your mental focus muscles, help you master “unitasking” and conquer distractions.


ProMindfulness:  Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment. This track will help you find greater fulfillment, know yourself at a deeper level, and conquer mental distractions.


ProLeadership:  ProLeadership will help teach you to develop 2-way streams of constructive feedback, encourage creativity, innovation, and wise risk-taking, and learn to capitalize on personal and team-based strengths. Develop a leadership mindset, teach you to use empathy as a leadership tool, and make modeling positive behavior a habit.

Here is a picture journey from Inbox to Dashboard:

1. Inbox View:

2. Invitation Accepted:

3. Pick YOUR track:

4. Set Notification Preferences:

5. Set your baseline:

6. Begin your journey:

7. Can you commit?:

8. Share your progress:

This is a voluntary program, but participation is encouraged.

It takes little effort to participate, minimal time commitment and is a nice reminder to be mindful and present throughout the day.