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English at Large

Pilot Program at Island Creek Oyster Bar Burlington

I’m extremely excited to announce our English classes for front and back of the house will start here in Burlington Wednesday June 20th, 2018.  Classes will start at 1pm and run till 2:30.  This pilot program will run for eight weeks.  The folks at English at Large are just as excited as we are to bring their existing program into restaurants.  No materials are needed as it is a conversation style classroom setting.  I am happy to say, I have the full support of both back and front of the house scheduling managers in order to ensure attendance.   Please reach out with any questions.
Erin D., general manager at Island Creek Oyster Bar Burlington
What is English at Large?

English At Large …

… provides free, relevant, practical, and accessible services to adult immigrants and refugees in 21 communities in Middlesex County.  Our One-to-One Tutoring, Conversation Groups, Career Access Lab (CAL), Beginner English and Summer Book Groups give English language learners at all levels the knowledge, skills, tools, support, and confidence they need to fully engage in their communities and move forward in their new life in the United States.

All of our services are delivered by volunteers.  They are our greatest asset and donate thousands of hours in service to the more than 500 learners who benefit from our programs each year.

  • More than 230 volunteers share their time, energy and knowledge as teachers and facilitators of our One-to-One Tutoring, Conversation Group, and CAL Programs.
  • As many as 12 additional volunteers donate their time throughout the year in our office and assist us with program planning, data management, and learner assessments.
Program Structure

Duration: 8 weeks

Length: 90-minute weekly sessions

Location:  ICOB Burlington

Day/Time of sessions:  90 mins starting Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Participants:  ICOB Burlington FOH and BOH restaurant staff

English level:  beginner to intermediate level English speakers

Maximum group size:  12-14

Instruction:  Two English At Large facilitators

Language focus:  Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary building

Topics:  ICOB Safety, Food Allergen, and Service Vocabulary (ICOB service manual)

Instructional Materials (under development):  

  • Dialogues by topic, for vocabulary and speaking practice
  • Bingo sheets
  • Vocabulary cards (picture + word cards)
  • Role play cards
  • ICOB items:  service & tabletop items, such as plates, glassware, utensils, linens, condiments, and menus
Week 1: “Guest Interactions”

Objective:  By the end of the session, participants will be able to recognize and say common words/phrases used in guest interactions, and practice them in a dialogue and in a role play.

Vocabulary: Greetings, welcoming, events, general guest vocabulary + phrases

Materials:  bingo sheets with guest-related phrases, flipchart paper, markers, Dialogue #1 (1 per participant), role play cards

Overview of Language Instruction:  Participants use two example dialogues to learn and practice likely vocabulary of ICOB staff and guest interactions.  Focus is on listening comprehension, hearing and saying key words, and correct pronunciation of words and phrases. Participants practice vocabulary in pairs and in a whole group mingling activity, and finish with a whole-group staff-guest speaking role play.

Week 2: “ICOB Restaurant Vocabulary”

Objective:  By the end of this session, participants will be able to understand and say numbers 1-100, comprehend or say names of all table setting items used in ICOB meal service, and make and respond to spoken requests for setup assistance.

Vocabulary: numbers 1-100, general restaurant vocabulary and names of furniture & components of table top settings

Materials:  flip chart with numbers 1-100; two of each place setting (dishes, glassware, utensils, linens)

Overview of Language Instruction: Participants review and practice hearing and saying numbers 1-100, with particular emphasis on differentiating between numbers 13 vs.30, through 19 vs 90.  Participants will learn and practice saying names of items related to a typical ICOB restaurant service (dinner/side/dessert plates, utensils, glassware, linens, etc.), as well as common verbal requests for assistance with setup.  All participants will practice giving and following instructions for service setup.

Week 3: Pre-Service Vocabulary

Objective:  By the end of this session, participants will be able to make and respond to requests using vocabulary for ICOB pre-service setup, and say numbers and names of items in the form of requests.

Vocabulary: room and table setup vocabulary, review of numbers 1-100 and vocab for tabletop settings.

Materials:  flip chart with numbers 1-100, 2 of each place setting (dishes, glassware, utensils, linens), table card numbers

Overview of Language Instruction: Participants review and get more practice with hearing and saying numbers 1-100, and vocabulary for tabletop settings.  Participants will also become familiar with common pre-service items and phrases. Instruction will include listening for item names, practice with saying names of items, and learning phrases and sentences used for team pre-service setup requests and responses.   All participants will practice giving and following instructions for service setup.

Week 4: Service Vocabulary & Expressions Part 1

Objective:  By the end of this session, participants will be able to participate in a role play of a dinner service, as a guest and a staff member.

Vocabulary:  All service-related items, menu types, safety words, and expressions for service (e.g., on the fly, drop on top, etc.)

Materials:  Realia of items used in ICOB meal service (e.g., menus, tabletop settings, condiments, trios)

Overview of Language Instruction: Participants will learn and practice words and phrases used in staff interactions during course of ICOB meal service. Using role play and situation cards, participants will participate in a short role-play asking for and giving help with meal service.

Week 5: Service Vocabulary & Expressions Part 2

Objective:  By the end of this session, participants will be able to participate in a 20-minute speaking role play of a dinner service, alternating roles of guest and staff member.

Vocabulary:  All service-related items, menu types, safety words, and expressions for service (e.g., on the fly, drop on top, etc.)

Materials:  Realia from week 4

Overview of Language Instruction: Participants continue to practice using the service vocabulary and expressions introduced in Week 4.  Facilitators will lead participants through a variety of speaking activities and a final, 20-minute role play simulating team communication during an actual meal service.

Weeks 6 & 7: Food Allergens Vocabulary & Expressions

Objective:  By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify and say the names of the food allergens outlined in the ICOB Service Manual; participate in speaking/listening activities and role plays to practice asking about and responding to questions about food allergens.

Vocabulary:  All service-related items, menu types, safety words, and expressions for service (e.g., on the fly, drop on top, etc.)

Materials:  Food allergen picture and word cards; Food allergen category cards; take-home sheet of allergen vocabulary and expressions.

Overview of Language Instruction: Over two consecutive sessions, participants categorize food allergens by type of allergy, learn names of food allergens listed in ICOB service manual, and role play asking and answering questions about food allergies, as well as notifying “manager” of guest food allergies.

Week 8: Vocabulary review of program; Guest, FOH and BOH interaction role play.

Objective:  By the end of this session, participants will be able to participate in an extended speaking role play, using all vocabulary and expressions from 8-week program.

Vocabulary:  All vocabulary from weeks 1-7

Materials:  All materials from weeks 1-7

Overview of Language Instruction: Facilitators use a variety of activities to review vocabulary from previous sessions; where possible, facilitators will invite higher level English speakers to lead a vocabulary review activity.  Participants will rotate roles of different guests and staff, to review all language and expressions.