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Meet the ladies of Les Sablons

Molly Woodhouse

Global Operations Manager

Molly Woodhouse joined our family of restaurants as the General Manager of Row 34 in Portsmouth. Under Molly’s leadership, Row 34 Portsmouth earned its place in the Seacoast dining scene and is regarded as a go-to spot in Portsmouth.  In Fall 2017, Molly assumed a lead operations role at Les Sablons, and continues to emphasize deep relationships with her guests and cultivates a strong following of regulars who hold both her and the restaurant close to their hearts.  Molly has a keen eye for hiring and developing real talent.  She has helped numerous individuals set professional goals for themselves and worked tirelessly to help them achieve those goals.  Molly has an incredible resume, with time spent working in Nantucket, St.John and Boston for many great operators and Chefs.


Kate Berry

General Manager

After graduating from BU as a hospitality major with a minor in French – and spending time living in France, Kate spent several years honing her skills in NYC hotels like the W & The SoHo House. Originally from Boston, Kate returned and joined the team at Toro as the AGM, moving into the GM position in 2017. Her energy and passion for hospitality are defining characteristics and we look forward to a bright future ahead with her at the helm.

Meaghan Fuchs

Service Manager

Meaghan joined the company originally at the Row 34 Portsmouth location in the winter of 2015 – while we did not have a server position available when she began, Meaghan joined as a host and immediately became as asset to the team. She quickly moved into a server and has always shown her leadership qualities with kindness and humility. After sometime away from restaurants and focus on grad school, Meaghan returned to the fold as a server at Les Sablons in January 2018. Meaghan cares and supports her team mates around her giving her the ability to connect with some many people.

Vanessa Rea

Wine Director

Vanessa has most recently moved from NYC as the head sommelier of the Chefs Club NYC and previously with the USHG at the Union Square Cafe as the assistant wine director and  Untitled at the Whitney Museum of Art as a sommelier. Vanessa attained her certified sommelier pin with the Court of Masters in 2015 and is continuing the studying for the next steps. Previous to beverage management positions she received her bachelor’s degree from Dean college majoring in Dance with a minor in English. Vanessa’s passion for wine is equally matched with her gift for impacting the people around her and lighting up the dining room.

Madeline Blair


Madeline very recently joined the Les Sablons team in February as a host. Originally from Connecticut, Madeline attended college in Nevada and was able to study abroad in South Africa, aiding communities in their orphanages and gardens. Her family has always centered themselves around food and meals and ultimately helped Madeline find her passion for service. We look forward to watching her grow in this new role with her signature warmth and grace.