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by | Jun 27, 2017 | ES |

Amazing, amazing performance this afternoon and into the early evening.
Our first pre-concert rush is behind us!
​I spoke to so many happy guests today who all expressed the sentiment  – and I certainly share it too – that we are able to provide this level of service at this volume is unbelievable.
That said, here’s the biggest thing we learned:
When table or group eating at the bar top orders app’s:
We must ask if they want everything “as it’s ready” aka SHOTGUN.
If they respond that they would really prefer everything to arrive together​, then by all means use a W/ HOT.
Some folks just need to have their oysters before their hot food. But on this particular weekend, with this particular crowd of Dead-Heads … most of them do. not. care.
​Use of the SHOTGUN function for the first course takes a huge onus off of the kitchen. ​And! Your people will get to start eating faster. “The Munchies” seem to be in full effect.
Please use SHOTGUN liberally throughout the day.
Similarly, when a table of 6 orders 2 cocktails and 4 beers, ask if you can bring the beers first. Send them through on a separate ticket!
Your time at the terminal ringing in orders should have a certain zen-like, sacred quality of concentration. Mistakes are not so easily corrected when the chefs and bartenders have 15 or 20 tickets to make before your “on the fly” item comes through… Clean tickets sent to BOH and the bar are the name of the game tomorrow.
(And if you’re lucky enough to have one in the picture, don’t forget to take five minutes to call dad.)
​Keep crushing it, keep pounding water, and try to get some rest.
Feeling lucky just to participate with all of you!
Thank You,