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by | Aug 4, 2017 | DOT, ES |

Hi Y’all,

We have quite a busy week with games and I wanted to touch base about some of the scheduling format for the support team to make sure we are protecting the needs of the restaurant.
– During the week one support member has a * next to their name. This indicates that they are to assist the lounge closer for the pre-game rush and touching base throughout service. The support team will see the star, but they don’t necessarily fully commit to the obligation. On days that we have week day games and I am here, I always go up to the designated person and let them know their sole obligation from 4pm to 7:45pm is strictly the lounge and checking in throughout the rest of service. Please help guide the support team by reminding them about this. Eventually, they will get use to it and understand their specific role for that day.
– On the weekend for Brunch I have a support member designated as the lounge busser (L). Again, this is new to them, so we have to help coach and remind the busser how to commit to the section they are assigned and assisting in other parts of the restaurant as need be.
– This coming week is BLEAK for door help. Jared F has received an exciting promotion at the State House and can no longer work the door. This means at the moment, all we have is Brendan. He is working the door Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I will be running the door for the big post game hits on Monday and Thursday to help protect the restaurant. I know this is less than ideal and is stretching us thin, but it has been a struggle to find door help. I have spent weeks inviting people in to interview with no one following through to show up for the interviews. Please, if someone comes in to apply for the position, help me by giving them an interview on the spot. August is very busy and I cannot rely on Brendan alone. I need the teams help in narrowing the gap on this part of staffing.
Please reach out should you have any questions.
Devin D