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Your JEM 2018 Recap & Videos

Thank you all for making JEM 2018 such a great success!  I hope you enjoyed exploring the History of Boston Restaurants as much as I did.  You helped make this year's JEM the most successful series to date - how on Earth will we top it next year?!

See below video links where you can access snapshots on each of the three talks.
Jillian Rocco
Iconic Boston Dishes
This year the first January Education Month (J.E.M.) gathering started with some of the most memorable dishes.

Whether these dishes are making their debut or have been around for a decade they surely will not disappoint.

Here are the presenters in order.
Andrew Holden, Partner and Ivan Conill, Chef of Branch Line
Rotisserie Chicken
Tony Maws, Chef and Owner of Craig on Main
Craig on Main Burger
Kevin O’Donnell and Michael Lombardi, both Chef and Partner of SRV
Clam Risotto
Maura Kilpatrick, Executive Pastry Chef of Sofra & Oleana
Coconut Baked Alaska
Colin Lynch, Chef and Partner of Bar Mezzana
Jeremy Sewall, Chef and Partner of ICOB
Lobster Roe Noodles

Video by: Bearwalk Cinema

The Evolution of Boston's Dining Landscape
January Education Month (J.E.M.) comes to a close with a history Kenmore Square.

Garrett along with Chip, Jody, and Dan give us an insight into big names that changed the restaurant industry, the evolution of Kenmore Square, and more.

Garrett Harker, moderator
Chip Coen, panelist, Vice President of On Premise Sales at MS Walker
Jody Adams, panelist, Chef/Partner of TRADE, Saloniki, and Porto
Dan McNichol, panelist, Author “The Big Dig”

Video by: Bearwalk Cinema

The Evolution of Boston's Dining Landscape
January Education Month (J.E.M.) comes to a close with a history Kenmore Square.

Garrett along with Chip, Jody, and Dan give us an insight into big names that changed the restaurant industry, the evolution of Kenmore Square, and more.

Garrett Harker, moderator
Chip Coen, panelist, Vice President of On Premise Sales at MS Walker
Jody Adams, panelist, Chef/Partner of TRADE, Saloniki, and Porto
Dan McNichol, panelist, Author “The Big Dig”

Video by: Bearwalk Cinema

Part One

Part Two

Part Three